is a online Anime store to provides retailer/wholesaler for anime/Cartoon products ,like Pokemon Go /Super Mario Series Plush Toys,Anime Cosplay Mask,Cartoon Wallent , Bags ,iPad cases, and so on.At,you will find your ideal Birthday/Xmas/Halloween/graduate gifts for kids,anime fans or family numbers. Our goal is to provide customers with fantastic products, fast delivery, better prices and superb customer service ,please don’t hesitant to contact us by email :
Bestselling Items Recommended for Incoming Festival
No.1 : Brawl Stars Crow Leon SPIKE Stuffed Plush Set 3pcs

No.2 : Pororo Plush Toys Set 7pcs

No.3 : World of warcraft: Moonkin Plush Toy

No.4 : MineCraft Ipad case For iPad Pro/Air All Models

No.5 : Fortnite Backpack School Bag

No.6 : Brawl Spike Plush Slippers

No.7 : Fall Guys Hoodie Plus Velvet

what Is the typical time frame shipping to San Antonio Texas?
usually it will take 7-15 working days to arrive by If by express shipping,then it will take 5-7 business days. =)
I ordered something on 8/15/18 and I just got an email saying it was completed on 8/19/18 but I don’t have a tracking number just the order number. Is that normal?
I have been trying to contact customer service about an ordered I placed since 08/08/18..and I’ve been unable to email or speak with anyone there..can someone please contact me concerning this matter.
Thank you ,the package will arrive soon,please wait for a moment, usually it will take 7-15 working days to arrive. and i will keep track it for you.
Keep in touch till package received.
I would like to get in touch about my order. I have tried to mail but do not get a response yet. , you will receive your package soon. =)
Keep in touch !